Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tectonic Hazards

Tectonics is the way forward, well at least until Christmas that is! Year 10 will have the added advantage over Year 9 in that they are older and wiser in terms of their physical geomorphology knowledge and so to be even more intellectually prepared the US Geological Survey website is a veritable cornucopia of interesting facts and information, this is Earthquake centre for all you budding seismologists.

Two case studies for earthquakes will be L'Aquila the 2009 earthquake in Italy, and for those of you who's memories don't quite go back that far a comprehensive list of websites is provided.
Scientific American, did a technician correctly predict the earthquake?
Emergency aid for the people and also some of the more basic facts about what happened and why

The BBC, always a wealth of information has provided a very informative interactive map which gives some excellent information. BBC L'Aquila

The other earthquake study for an LEDC I have yet to decide upon, although Izmet in Turkey or Bam in Iran are looking very likely.

However before we start getting ahead of ourselves we first have to recap on the basics that hopefully you will remember from KS3. The structure of the earth, plate tectonics and convection currents. Dont start panicking if all this sounds like a foreign language, all will be revealed and much more besides over the next few weeks.
If you cant wait how stuff works offers some good introductory information.